Barcelona nightlife through the eyes of a foreigner
Saturday, 26 of May of 2018
As an upcoming senior at the University of Connecticut, finally spreading her wings and building up the courage to go abroad, I genuinely did not know what to expect when it came to Barcelona’s nightlife. After I was given the amazing opportunity to intern for YouBarcelona, I was basically given easy access to the best parties in Barcelona.
YouBarcelona is a public relations and event planning agency currently working with the nightlife industry in Barcelona, Spain. This PR nightlife company works with the most exclusive and unique clubs in Barcelona such as Opium Barcelona, Bling Bling Barcelona, Pacha Barcelona, Hotel W, etc. After a while the list and parties seemed endless. That was when I decided; this has to be too good to be true therefore I started my research. As I spent the rest of my day googling each nightclub, I was immediately blown away.
I have been exposed to many different types of parties and events whether it was at a sweaty fraternity basement or at a rooftop overlooking the empire state building in New York City. However, nothing compared to what was coming up on my Google search. The interior and exterior of the clubs left me speechless as they each had a distinct look that differentiated one from another. Pacha’s hot fuchsia and purple hues and gleaming white walls and walkways perfectly channeled Ibizian vibes. On the other hand, Shoko had a Feng-Shui style atmosphere that created a very peaceful and harmonious setting.

As I continued to learn about the clubs, I learned that each offered a diverse atmosphere through the events they hold to fit their crowds needs. For example, after a long day of work I would be more likely to be satisfied by attending the “Afterworks” event held at Hyde Club Barcelona for individuals who would enjoy a glass of wine, champagne, or some tapas with my co workers. Whereas, on a beautiful summer Sunday, I would be more likely to attend a Wet Decks event at the W Hotel Barcelona. Wet Deck is an event held at Hotel W Barcelona every Sunday starting June 5th throughout the summer that allows young individuals like myself to enjoy the beautiful day with a signature cocktail in my hand by their most beautiful private infinity pool.
I was able to come to the conclusion that regardless of the day, I would be able to find a venue where I would enjoy myself because the main goal for each venue was to enhance their crowd’s experience.
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